New DPCM: Italy in semi lockdown for a month
26 ottobre 2020
The Italian Prime Minister issued a new Regulation, which put italy in semi-lockdown for a month in order to contein the spread of the Covid-19.This new DPCM enters in force today, and is going to last until November, 24th.
It provides many restrictions. In compliance with the DPCM, bars, restaurants, and other shops will be closed at 6 p.m. every day, holidays included. However, after 6 p.m. this activities can make home deliveries.
Gyms, swimming pools, game rooms and spas are going to be temporary closed. Cinemas and theaters are going to get closed, while museums are going to remain opened.
Smart working is strongly reccomended.
However, our Professionals will be available for on line meeting.
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