Harmonised definitions for over-the-top services indicators

27 october 2021

During the 48th BEREC plenary meeting, the Board of Regulators adopted the “BEREC Report on harmonised definitions for indicators regarding over-the-top services, relevant to the electronic communications markets”

BEREC focused on the voice, video and messaging interpersonal communication services provided over the internet (NI-ICS) and on video streaming services. 

The general objective of this report is to identify and define harmonised metrics which are of interest to many European National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in the scope of fulfilling their regulatory tasks. This is data which is considered important for NRAs and BEREC to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions or opinions adopted under the Directive (EU) 2018/1972 (“European Electronic Communications Code”, hereafter EECC) and Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 (“BEREC Regulation”) and which, at the same time, would not result in an undue burden for providers.

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