Who we are

The Firm

At Cugia Cuomo & Associati Law Firm, we provides our Clients with high quality legal and consulting service and assistance. Each firm’s personnel combines, in specific manner, significant professional experience gained in major international contexts (such as the World Bank, IFC and the European Commission) with the expertise and high quality standards, in order to deliver a consistent level of excellence and outstanding client service.

Our approach

Efficiency, Transparency, Rational Intelligence, Results Orientation: these are our guide principles. In every assignment, we put passion, attention into details and costs; dedication, listening to the particular needs and strategic objectives of our Clients. The Firm is committed to in ensure the capacity of listening and the definition of direct solutions identified according to specific needs of the Clients. The Firm is aware that there are no identical solutions to the legal or regulatory questions. Everything changes under the Sun, and the "copy and paste" is not a proficient solution. “Novelty is as old as the world” ((Jacques Prévert)”: under these considerations, we work every day to accomplish our assignments.


o   The Firm provides specialized legal services to communications operators, start-up companies, small and medium enterprises, multinationals, non-profit organizations and  private individuals. The Firm operates in the:

  • IT & Electronic Communications sectors;
  • Media and Creative Arts
  • Intellectual property
  • Data Protection & Cyber Security
  • Corporate & Commercial
  • Energy and Environmental Law
  • Business Compliance
  • Civil & Administrative Law

Firm news



Le truffe informatiche BEC: strategie di protezione per individui e aziende

Le Business Email Compromise (BEC) rappresentano una delle minacce informatiche più sofisticate e dannose per aziende e privati. Queste truffe sfruttano tecniche di ingegneria sociale per



Attuazione della Clausola di Salvaguardia della NIS2

In data 10.2.2025 e’stato pubblicato in Gazzetta ufficiale il  Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri n. 221 del 9 dicembre 2024, recante il “Regolamento per la



Guerra in Ucraina: Il Tribunale conferma le misure restrittive adottate nei confronti dell’operatore di telefonia mobile russo MegaFon

Con la sentenza del Tribunale Europeo nella causa T-193/23 | MegaFon/Consiglio viene precisato che  l’inserimento e il mantenimento del nome di tale societa` negli elenchi delle

Lawyer News



Detenuto al 41 bis: vietato l’utilizzo del lettore CD in orario notturno

Sono ammesse limitazioni alle modalità



Social scoring: banche e assicurazioni coinvolte nel divieto dell’AI Act

Le linee guida della Commissione EU per