Public consultation on the EU DATA ACT

04 june 2021

Today, the European Commission has launched an open public consultation on the announced Data Act aiming to create a fair data economy by ensuring access to and use of data. The consultation seeks to gather views from citizens, businesses, online platforms, academics, civil society, administrations and all interested parties. It is open until 3 September

This legislative initiative aims to create a fair data economy by ensuring access to and use of data for legitimate purposes, including in business-to-business and business-to-government situations.  


The consultation will collect information on the following:

  1.           Business-to-government data sharing for the public interest 
  2.         Business-to-business data sharing 
  3.        Tools for data sharing: Smart Contracts 
  4.        Clarifying rights on non-personal Internet of Things data stemming from professional use 
  5.         Improving portability for business users of cloud services 
  6.        Complementing the portability right under Article 20 GDPR 
  7.       Intellectual Property Rights – Protection of Databases
  8.     Safeguards for non-personal data in international context


You can contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire. If you are unable to use the online questionnaire, please contact us using the email address below.

Questionnaires are available in some or all official EU languages. You can submit your responses in any official EU language.

For reasons of transparency, organisations and businesses taking part in public consultations are asked to register in the EU’s Transparency Register.

Respond to the questionnaire


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