Tiziana Bastianelli is Partner of Cugia Cuomo law firm. Tiziana focuses her practice on civil law, corporate law and criminal liability of business companies. She is in charge of ensuring private and public companies internal security in relation to white collar crimes. In this regard, she is responsible for the drafting of company security procedures in compliance with D.Lgs. 231/2001.
Tiziana is the Firm’s responsible for the Family and Juvenile Law Department. She is an expert on the national and international legal aspects of the matter, having assisted clients in front of international Courts.
She is a member of the Italian Bar Association and enrolled in the Register of Lawyers at the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Jurisdictions.
1998 – J.D., Università La Sapienza, Roma
2000 – Family and Childhood law specializaion course, Università La Sapienza, Roma
2001 – Civil law, commercial law, corporate law specialization (IPSOA)
email: t.bastianelli@cugiacuomo.it