Silvia Giampaolo is Partner of Cugia Cuomo & Associati. She is a member of the Rome Bar Association since 2006 and enrolled in the Register of Lawyers at the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Jurisdictions, got her Law Degree, J.D. at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2001) and got her MBA/Global Management at the University of Phoenix,  (USA) (2007).

She focuses her practice on legal and regulatory issues regarding multimedia and telecommunications, commercial and competition, intellectual property,GDPR and  protection of personal data, company law and litigation.

She advises national and international electronic communication operators, multimedia service providers and in house service providers on all issues regarding the EU and Italian regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, within authorization regime, spectrum trading, site sharing, interconnection, IRU, rolling out and deployment of networks, also included submarine cables, provisioning and assurance services; development of broad band services;  offering of converging services; mobile operators general rights; MVNO and ESP regulatory issues; roaming; number and frequency allocation, portability and migration; offering of specific services,such as M2M, "alias services", and cloud network services; housing and hosting agreements ;regulatory issues on IT related contracts, including B2B and B2C electronic commerce and on-line transactions for the provision of voice and internet services; general advice on e-commerce; regulatory framework on  robotics, including  drones, digital payment services, e-money  and virtual currency; application of privacy law and  data protection regulation (GDPR);   computer crime law and IP law.

She advices her clients  on company law and  FDI regulation. 

Silvia assists domestic and multinational companies before Italian Courts, Governmental and Regulatory Authorities, ADR and Arbitration.

She is co-author of the articles: Big Data, Pandemic and Data Protection: an Italian Perspective, BY FABRIZIO CUGIA DI SANT’ORSOLA and SILVIA GIAMPAOLO on the need for a holistic approach to data regulation in the ever-more connected global society, Intermedia SEPTEMBER 2021 | VOLUME 49 | ISSUE 3Cryptoassets fuori dal cono d'ombra, Top Legal Speciale Fintech, 1.2.2020, by Silvia Giampaolo, Fabrizio Cugia di Sant'Orsola, e Alessandro Bonavita; Communications: regulation and outsourcing in Italy: overview, by Fabrizio Cugia di Sant'Orsola and Silvia Giampaolo, Cugia Cuomo & Associati, June 2019, Thomson Reuters, Practical Law; “Communications: Regulation and Outsourcing global guide, Italy Chapter- The Telecommunications Market, 2017 – 2th Edition – Italy Chapter“, published by Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK LimitedCommunications; Regulation and Outsourcing, Italy Chapter- The Telecommunications Market, 2016 – 1th Edition – Italy Chapter”,  published by Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited;Chapter 13: “Competitive Aspects of Cloud-Based Services” COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPETITION LAW. KEY ISSUES IN THE TELECOMS, MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY SECTORS -SBN 904115146X, Wolters Kluwer, Law & Business 1 dicembre 2014; “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws and Regulations 2014 – 7th Edition- Italy Chapter”, published by Global Legal Group Ltd; “New EU Directive against cybercrime: the quest for the Golden Fleece? ”, published by Financier Wordwide.Com; “New EU Directive against cybercrime: the quest for the golden fleece? ” (2013), published on; “Getting the Deal Through-Intellectual Property & Antitrust 2012” Chapter Italy, published by Law Business Research LTD; “Next generation LTE mobile frequencies in Italy”, march 2011, published by The Financier Worldwide – Corporate Finance Intelligence; “Liability of entities in italy: wasn’t it societas delinquere non potest ? ” 2011, New Journal of European Criminal Law, Vol 2, issue 1, 2011, published by Intersentia; “Telecommunications Laws and Regulations 2011” Chapter Italy, published by Global Legal Group Ltd; “Telecommunications Laws and Regulations 2009” Chapter Italy, published by Global Legal Group Ltd.


She is co- author of many articles publised on  Lexology, such as the following:

Reati informatici e rafforzamento della cybersecurity: gli impatti sul DPO ed ODV,02 Feb 2024;La tutela delle opere d’arte tra diritto d’autore e tutela del patrimonio culturale: il caso “David di Michelangelo”, 12 Sep 2023; The protection of works of art between copyright and protection of cultural heritage: the "David di Michelangelo" case, 12 Sep 2023; Si allarga la concorrenza sui mercati dei servizi di telecomunicazioni e dei servizi ICT,09 Oct 2017; La Tutela della privacy nel “lavoro agile”, 19 Sep 2017;E’ tempo di vacanze: speriamo che non siamo “rovinate”…, 19 Jul 2017; Dati giudiziari dei dipendenti: quali obblighi del datore di lavoro?, 04 Jul 2017; Data processing at work, 28 Jun 2017;Operatori TLC e compliance in materia di privacy, 28 Jun 2017; Journalism in Italy: the current scenario, 25 May 2017


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