She is a member of the Italian Bar Association and Partner of Cugia Cuomo Law Firm.

She provides legal assistance to national and multinational companies in the field of corporate and commercial law. She is anexpert litigator in this field with strong experience also in commercial arbitration and alternative dispute resolutions. 

She regularly drafts contracts and legal opinions on corporate and trade law and assists companies in civil and business litigation/arbitration.

She has a significant experience in drafting best-practice internal procedures and standards in relation to company administrative and criminal liability issues (e.g. Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, No. 231).

She is specialized in assisting clients in all types of civil litigation (including numerous high-profile cases) with a focus on competition law in the telecommunications sector.

In her legal background, she has attained the versatility to handle different areas of law and to offer a specific consultancy tailored to the needs of the companies she assists, never focusing the analysis only on the issue at hands but providing a broad view of the potential issues could arise.



Camera Civile di Roma, Advanced Postgraduate Formation: Basic Principles of English Law (01/2011 – 06/2011)

High Formation Council of the Italian Bar Association (Associazione Nazionale Forense)-Advanced Postgraduate Formation: Criminal and administrative liability of business companies

in the European and domestic (Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, No. 231) legislative framework (2010)

Kaplan International School,Advanced Postgraduate Formation: Business English Course (February – April 2010 London)

Associazione Giuridica – Associazione per la formazione giuridica e l’assistenza

Professionale, Advanced Postgraduate Formation: Consumer Law and antitrust – product advertising and consumers’ good faith (2009)

Ipsoa – Wolters Kluwer Group,Master: Company law (2004-2005)

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Advanced Postgraduate Formation: Consumer Law and Product Liability (2003)

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Advanced Postgraduate Formation: International Trade Law (2003)

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Law degree: Dissertation on “Interpreting the contract: a comparative study between Italian and English law” (1998 - 2002)



Fabrizio Cugia di Sant’Orsola, Silvia Giampaolo and Chiara Reali (November 2013). “New EU

Directive against cybercrime: the quest for the Golden Fleece?”. Financier Wordwide.

Contributor to the publication for the World Bank Group “Benchmarking Public Procurement 2017 - ASSESSING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REGULATORY SYSTEMS IN 180 ECONOMIES.

Also published several articles on Lexology, a legal online magazine (







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