Fabrizio Cugia di Sant’Orsola, founding partner of the Cugia Cuomo & Associati Law Firm, regularly advises national and international carriers in the areas of:

  • Electronic Communications with in-depth knowledge and practice of EU policies;
  •  Offering and provision of electronic, audiovisual and Internet on line services, including issues on download of content, ISP responsibility in restriction of Intellectual Property violations, services and related IP/Copyright regulation;
  • Adoption of Information Society policies and reviews;
  •  Drafting, negotiation and set up of online services and/or dissemination and use of protected IP services or rights on the Web (e.g. editorial responsibilities, use of protected images [such as FIA-FOA Formula One image use in introduction of online betting in Italy], creative commons, licensing, trademarks, open source, Internet search engine agreements, image commercial exploitation, etc.)
  • EU competition/antitrust matters.

He is International, WTO (Agreement on Government Procurement – GPA) and EU online regulation expert. Advised public institutions of numerous East European countries with the definition and optimization of completion-enhancing policies in the offering of services. In particular, developed EU-approximated public procurement standards and guidelines, both sector-specific (i.e. for regulated markets such as the EU Telecommunications market) and of general scope, with a view to maximize the financial and administrative efficiency of local, national and international tender procedures. Thorough knowledge of innovative and IT-enhanced procurement methods: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Enterprise resource planning (ERP), e-catalog, e-auctions, e-procurement.

He is International and EU communications and electronic commerce regulatory expert:

  • Team Leader in the strengthening and introduction of EU telecommunications regulatory principles in Central Asian Countries, including Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan (World Bank /IFC project).
  • Legal Advisor for National Communications Regulatory Authorities (Italy, Azerbaijan, Luxembourg) in the reform of ex ante telecommunications regulation.
  • Regulatory Expert in the programs of Assistance to approximation of the legislation in liberalized services and offering of e-commerce, Internet and audiovisual services in the Slovak Republic and in Poland.
  • International Contributing Expert in the programs of assistance in regulation alignment projects and in the reform of new liberalized public services and reform of IP rights infringement and protection in Bulgaria.
  • Excellent experience assisting national authorities and Governmental institutions in the development of EU compliant regulatory framework and in drafting and reviewing of EU-approximated competition-oriented sector-specific primary and secondary legislations, including Telecommunication component.
  • Team expert in communications regulatory review projects in Azerbaijan (2005-2010) including projects on adoption of EC and International regulations in the markets for electronic communications services and networks.
  • Experienced Team Leader and in several EU and non-EU sector-specific projects as Telecommunications regulatory expert with missions in Central Asian Countries, including Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan as well as EU-PHARE (Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Albania) and EU-EAR (Kosovo) programs.
  • In-depth knowledge of EU policies, expert in multimedia, IP and communications law. Regulatory and legal counsel of national and multinational communications operators on offering of telecommunications and information technology services in Italy and abroad, with particular emphasis on competition issues, introduction of services, numbering allocation, carrier selection, number portability, personal communication (DECT, UMTS, WiFi, GSM standards as well as upcoming 4G standards, LTE, etc.), authorization and licensing, roaming, antitrust, regulation, outsourcing, interconnection, radio and satellite frequency allocation, housing, code hosting and project financing.
  •  Expert in placement transactions, advisor in the privatization procedures of Mediocredito Centrale and Telecom Italia for the Italian Treasury Ministry. Has supervised the homologation procedure of the FLAG apparatus and equipment in the Palermo international connection cable station (1996). Assists service providers on regulatory and corporate compliance in the offering and introduction of new services. Legal advisor on bidding procedures related to GSM, WLL and UMTS licenses, has assisted in the relevant interconnection, roaming and data processing agreements.
  • Legislative assistant, Italian House of Parliament, IXth Legislation (1988-1991). Has assisted in the elaboration and drafting of primary and secondary legislation (Maccanico Law on broadcasting and telecommunications, administrative reform, energy legislation).

Admitted to Italian High Courts, Fabrizio has been Legal Assistant to the Italian House of Parliament (1988 – 1991) and Contract Lecturer in Telecommunications Law (2000-2002) at La Sapienza University, Rome.

He is member of the Italian Bar Association; International Bar Association (Chair, Communications Committee 2010-2013); International Institute of Communications; American Bar Association, Centre for the Study of Democracy (“Contributing Expert” in Communications Law and Regulation); North Texas Global Telecommunications Society.

He has been the author of several publications in the TLC sector since 1993 and, since 2010, he is a Lecturer of European Law at the SSPLE at the University of Perugia.

Winner of  Top Legal Industry Awards Lawyer of Year 2017 in TMT- Technology.


  • Italian
  • English
  • French

email: f.cugia@cugiacuomo.it













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