

Our activity in this area of practice includes:


  • Regulatory Assistance

    • Regulatory advices on IMSI codes and M2M, privacy and management and automation of data transfer on auto, for regulatory compliance related to safety and  provision of connectivity services and supply  of mobile infotainment and communication services;
    • Assistance in favor of OTT related to the provision of free of charge electronic communication services and payment services;
    • Regulatory issues on IT related contracts, including B2B and B2C electronic commerce and on-line transactions for the provision of voice and internet services;
    • general advice on e-commerce, including taxation and fiscal regimes on electronic transactions for offering of goods and services supplied on the Internet;
    • Drafting of Apparatus hosting and housing agreements, site sharing, frequency reframing
    • Protection of patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property rights on the Internet;
    • Assistance in favor of StartUp Hightech;
    • Assistance on  the regulatory framework applicable to autonomous parcel robot, autonomously driven vehicles and Drones;
    • Assistance on-line gambling;

    IT Contracts 

    • IT outsourcing contracts
    • Cloud Computing contracts
    • IT Projects agreement
    • Software development, licensing, distribution and agency agreements

    Internet and E-commerce

    • B2B and B2C terms and conditions
    • Website terms of us
    • Privacy policy and cookie policy
    • Online gambling 
    • Online advertising
    • E-commerce for Operators of electronic communication services and networks and 


    • Assistance on the regulatory framework related to e- wallets, and digital payment instruments;
    • Assistance on the regulatory framework referring to the virtual currency
    • analysis of law and regulatory aspects of crypto - currency .

    Cyber crime

    • Assistance on Computer crime law;

    IT Litigation

    •     We assist out Clients, both suppliers and customers, before the National Regulatory Authorities, and Courts in legal proceeding which involves regulatory issues related to Information technology law.



Our Notable cases: Legal 500


Firm news



Parere all’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato in merito al procedimento avviato nei confronti di Vueling Airlines S.A. in materia di pratiche commerciali scorrette PS/12650

Ai sensi dell'art. 27 comma 6 del Codice del Consumo, l'Agcm ha richiesto un parere all'Agcom in merito allo svolgimento di pratica commerciale scorretta posta in essere mediante l' uso di internet dalla



Parere sullo schema di Regolamento per le infrastrutture digitali e per i servizi cloud per la pubblica amministrazione

Il Garante Privacy ha, ai sensi degli artt. 36, par. 4, e 58, par. 3, lett. b), del Regolamento, espresso parere favorevole sullo schema di Regolamento per le infrastrutture digitali e per i servizi



La McDonald's perde il marchio dell'Unione europea Big Mac per i prodotti a base di pollame

Con la Sentenza del Tribunale nella causa T-58/23 | Supermac’s / EUIPO - McDonald’s International Property (BIG MAC) e'stato dichiarato che, per alcuni prodotti e servizi,

Lawyer News



Il valore giuridico dell’e-mail

<p>L’email è un documento elettronico



California, avvocatura vuole scindere l’esame di avvocato da quello nazionale

Nella stessa seduta il board è stato aggiornato