Intellectual Property

The Firm’s Intellectual Property department provides counsel and legal assistance to Italian and international clients in relation to judicial protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, such as the securing and enforcing of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other valuable intangible assets, before competent national and international Authorities.

Our professionals are particularly expert in providing advice on intellectual and industrial property protection in the media and information technology industry. In particular, they provide clients with assistance on:

 - draft of software development agreement;

-protection of patent for an invention or utility model;

- copyright and patent protection  on software; 

- protection of computer programs and electronic database;

- advice on trade secrets and patet protection;

- the administrative procedures at the S.I.A.E. (the copyright office for the registration of software in the Public Software Registry);

- administrative and judicial proceedings for disputes over the illegal use of intellectual property;

Firm news



Le truffe informatiche BEC: strategie di protezione per individui e aziende

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Attuazione della Clausola di Salvaguardia della NIS2

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Lawyer News



Detenuto al 41 bis: vietato l’utilizzo del lettore CD in orario notturno

Sono ammesse limitazioni alle modalità



Social scoring: banche e assicurazioni coinvolte nel divieto dell’AI Act

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