Electronic Communications & IT

Electronic Communications

We assist international and national electronic communication networks and services operators, such as Network Operators; MNO; OLOs; ISPs; MVNO etc, in house service providers of local entities, private person regarding the implementation of the Italian electronic communication regulatory framework  concerned to:


  •  Authorizations: administrative procedures for obtaining the required authorizations and and licenses under the electronic communications code for the provision of communication networks and services in Italy, including VOIP services, mobile services provided by ATR, ESP and MVNOs; M2M services; and the request for numbering and frequencies ;
  • Regulatory Compliance;
  • Legal and regulatory analysis about the construction, installation, and concession of IRU for submarine cables, and access to cable landing station;
  • Negotiation, drafting and editing of B2B contracts between operators authorized for 'interconnection, granting of IRU and providing wholesale services;
  • Negotiation and drafting of agreements for the sale of a branch of business and assistance in the execution of administrative procedures to enable the migration of customers to the new wholesale incoming  Operator;
  • Application of the regulatory requirements for portability and migration, numbers, rates, and roaming;
  • Legal and regulatory assistance for the construction and installation of network infrastructure and the use of public cable ducts for laying of telecommunication networks;
  • Support and regulatory analysis and review of agreements with local authorities on concession fees and rights of way for cabling and public infrastructure;
  • Net Neutrality
  • IOT


  • Negotiation, drafting and editing of B2B contracts between operators authorized for 'interconnection, granting of IRU and providing wholesale services
  • Wholesale agreements
  • Market and networks access
  • General terms and conditions


Consumer Protections

  • Assistance on regulatority issues related to services quality and tariffs
  • Consumer protectios 


  • Assistance and legal assistance before Civil and Administrative Courts, Independent Authorities  (AGCOM, AGCM, Corecom)  and Ministry of Enterprises and Made In Italy (MISE);




Firm news



Consultazione pubblica sul codice di condotta per gli influencer

Agcom ha avviato una consultazione pubblica sul codice di condotta per gli influencer, frutto del lavoro del Tavolo tecnico istituito con la delibera n. 7/24/CONS del 10 gennaio 2024. Il codice



Portale segnalazioni

Si ricorda che dal 15 ottobre 2024, per gli utenti business e consumer  è in funzione il Portale delle segnalazioni dell’Agcom, accessibile dalla sezione del sito



Fibercop s.p.a

Pubblicazione ( delibera 458/24/CONS) ai sensi dell’articolo 43 della delibera n. 114/24/CONS dell’esito delle verifiche e del tempo di preavviso per 2.050 centrali locali di Fibercop

Lawyer News



Epic Games e la causa antitrust contro Google, chi ha ragione?

Questa e altre storie giudiziarie dal mondo:



Confisca di prevenzione e diritto di difesa del terzo: la decisione alle Sezioni Unite

<span>In caso di beni ritenuti fittiziamente