Cyber Security

Cugia Cuomo & Associati provides cyber security regulatory assistance with particular regards to adoption of ENISA and EU standards, safety & security regulatory compliance, technical and organizational due diligence review, data protection measures and transfer and cross border transactions affecting data, trade secrets and IP rights.

The Firm assists in adopting compliance policies with regards to digital threats such as:


- Ransomware;

- Cryptojacking;

- Data threats; 

- Malware;

- Disinformation;

- Human errors and incorrect memories of a system;

- Threats to data availability and integrity;

- E-mail and supply chain menaces;

The firm also advises on regulatory compliance measures imposed by:

- NIS and NIS 2 Directives: The Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive which introduces new rules aimed at promoting a high level of common information security across Member States;

- DORA: The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) which aims to ensure greater resilience of the EU financial sector, in the event of major operational disruptions and cyber-attacks.

Firm news




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Spoofing Telefonico

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