Harmonisation of the 24,25-27,5 GHz frequency band

27 november 2020

By 31 December 2020, Member States must set common technical conditions and subsequently allow the use of the 26 GHz band for 5G systems in line with the European Electronic Communications Code, in compliance with the Implementing Decision to harmonise the radio spectrum in the 24.25-27.5 GHz (or 26 GHz) band issued by the European Commission

As known, all Member States can now authorise European 5G pioneer bands at national level under common technical conditions. The 26 GHz band will also be a key discussion at the World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC-19) later this year and Member States can take a common position based on  EU-harmonised technical conditions. 

The Commission’s implementing decisions for the harmonisation of spectrum for wireless broadband electronic communications services are based on the principle of technology and service neutrality. Therefore, no exclusive use for 5G is mandated for the 26 GHz band.


In accordance with art. 54 of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), , Member States must allow the use of at least 1 GHz of the 26 GHz frequency band by 31 December 2020 in order to facilitate 5G rollout, provided that there is clear evidence of market demand and of the absence of significant constraints for migration of existing users or band clearance. The EECC also provides that measures taken by Member States pursuant to that requirement must comply with the harmonised conditions set by technical implementing measures in accordance with the Radio Spectrum Decision.


However, Portions of the 26 GHz frequency band are used in the Member States for terrestrial fixed wireless connections (‘fixed links’) including backhauling (ITU Radio Regulations of 2016). The approach to managing the co-existence between terrestrial wireless broadband electronic communications services, including next-generation or 5G, and fixed links at national level, should allow flexibility for Member States.


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