Berec: Report on the impact of 5G on regulation and the role of regulation in enabling the 5G ecosystem

17 february 2020

In compliance with the task to develop a report that aims to help NRAs for electronic communications anticipate where and how 5G deployment may have an impact on the regulatory environment, and where and how NRAs can enable the 5G ecosystem, the report analized as follows:

New business models and value chains – which sets out a brief summary of the potential issue of new business models, and a high level summary of respondents views on this topic. 

Rollout - focuses on the different perspectives of 5G rollout, including planning and development, backhaul, coverage, small cells, infrastructure sharing, roaming, numbering and EMF. 

End user – considers the possible impact 5G will have on the end user in terms of quality of service (“QoS”), information, and interoperability. 

Other regulatory aspects - which sets out to identify the main issues raised in the CFI in fields that are related to the previous chapters and where BEREC works together with other competent authorities. 

Conclusions and next steps – which sets out BEREC’s main observations from the above, and preliminary ideas for BEREC and NRAs to consider in order to progress BEREC’s overall understanding of 5G in terms of the impact of it on regulation. 

Source: Berec

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