BEREC adopted its Opinion on the draft EC Recommendations on relevant product and service markets susceptible to ex-ante regulation

22 october 2020

On October 16, 2020,  BEREC adopted its Opinion on the draft European Commission’s (EC) Recommendation on relevant product and service markets susceptible to ex-ante regulation. As stated in the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), the EC shall adopt a new revised Recommendation by December 2020. The Commission shall take utmost account of the opinion of BEREC.

In its Opinion, BEREC addressed the removal from the list of termination markets 1&2/2014 and of market 3b/2014, as well as the new markets 1/2020 and 2/2020, the potential new market for wholesale access to physical infrastructure and the transitional issues.

Concerning the termination markets 1&2/2014, BEREC was not opposed to the removal of these markets from the relevant markets. However, concerns remain about the possible implications of this removal. Therefore, BEREC asks for an explicit acknowledgement in the text of the Recommendation of a situation, which could lead many NRAs - due to national circumstances - to continue applying SMP regulation in the termination markets. 

BEREC agreed with the EC that former market 4/2014, now market 2/2020 should be maintained in the list of relevant markets. 

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