AGCOM sanctioned RAI for violation of the service agreement

17 february 2020

On February 14, 2020, The Italian National Communication Authority (Agcom) sanctioned RAI, the concessionaire of the public broadcasting service, with an administrative fine of 1.5 million euros, pursuant to art. 48 paragraph 7 of the TUSMAR, because Rai breached the terms of the service agreement related to the pluralism of information.

 The Authority imposed the fine because it ascertained  that Rai  failed to respect the principles of independence, impartiality and pluralism, referred to all the different social, cultural and political conditions, and to ensure the learning and development of the critical, civil and ethical sense of the community, taking into account the respect of the dignity of the person, the right and duty to report the truth of the facts and  the rights of the citizens  to be informed.



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