The Firm

 Cugia Cuomo & Associati was founded in 2006 from strongly skilled partners who gained top experience in major international law firms. The Firm focus is on the Client. “Listen; Detect” is the motto of the Firm. We believe that listening and relating with our Clients is the key to deliver a top service.

At Cugia Cuomo & Associati Law Firm, we provides our Clients with high quality legal and consulting service and assistance. Each firm’s personnel combines, in specific manner, significant professional experience gained in major international contexts (such as the World Bank, IFC and the European Commission) with the expertise and high quality standards, in order to deliver a consistent level of excellence and outstanding client service.

CC&A is rancked in the most important national and international market -leading legal guides:Leaders League, Media Law International,Legal 500, Corporate INTL,  Top Legal, Who'sWhoLegal.  » Read more

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Le truffe informatiche BEC: strategie di protezione per individui e aziende

Le Business Email Compromise (BEC) rappresentano una delle minacce informatiche più sofisticate e dannose per aziende e privati. Queste truffe sfruttano tecniche di ingegneria sociale per



Attuazione della Clausola di Salvaguardia della NIS2

In data 10.2.2025 e’stato pubblicato in Gazzetta ufficiale il  Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri n. 221 del 9 dicembre 2024, recante il “Regolamento per la



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