Paolo Parodi

  Of Counsel

Paolo Parodi is a commercial and corporate lawyer, with more than 25 years of experience in major international firms, particularly versed in commercial law and civil procedure discipline aimed at the judicial recovery of credit, capital structures and guarantees and insolvency procedures. He has assisted financial intermediaries authorized pursuant to art. 106 Unified Banking Text as well as primary credit institutions. 

He has developed insight knowledge in real estate law and in acquisition, management, profitability of real estate complexes in the national territory, also with regards to corporate examination and due diligence review of financial backup and mezzanine instruments.

He is an expert in M&A, civil law and civil litigation (both centered on contractual and non-contractual nature), corporate liabilities, white collar crime, organizational and regulatory compliance, banking law, credit institution and financial brokerage litigation and civil liability in criminal proceedings.

In criminal defense and litigation has mastered pre-trial investigation exercise, also pursuant to Law no 397 of 7.12.2000. Paolo also served in the discipline of the criminal (administrative) liability of corporate entities, with particular reference to organizational models and protective measures of Legislative Decree 231/2001. He also acted on the revised procedural legislation relating to the judgments referred to in art. 1 Legislative Decree n. 6/2003, hinged on a series of judgments affecting well-known international entrepreneurial groups, shareholders' meeting resolutions and public tender participations.

He has assisted operators in securing public financing instruments providing also tutorship and training activities at managerial conventions active in the leasing sector tutoring on the peculiar aspects of leaser protection, related property rights and in general conditions of admissibility in the criminal trial.

·         Served as Legal Counsel at CSC Group Soc Cons a r.l. - Facility Management and Logistics, Services and ITC company operating throughout the country (2004/6), with responbilities of management of relations with customers regarding the negotiation of contracts, Review and drafting of contracts with public and private law subjects, preparation of "framework" contracts relating to logistics relations with suppliers and customers, renewal of the entire package of the contractual basis for carriers and for storage at the affiliated entities;

·         Legal Counsel for Toyota Finanlcial Services (UK) plc- Company of the Toyota Group, active in leasing structures, assisting in management of civil litigations and crime prevention methodologies, preliminary examination and investigation of the cost-effectiveness of the transition to judicial recovery of credit positions accrued as a result of the non-fulfillment of payment obligations and pre-analysis of options for credit protection; 

·         Legal Counsel for Hilton Italiana S.r.l., assisting in corporate and legal standard clauses, employment management, assistance and advice on data treatment and privacy obligations regarding the adaptation of the Hotel and other accommodation facilities to national legislation on confidentiality, drafting of contracts and forms relating to the relief of hotel liability; drafting of forms relating to the release of liability in the exercise of data collection for 'ancillary services', preventive examination and control of the formal requirements for the compliance of the structure in accordance with the provisions of the current sector legislation and ongoing consultancy for the hypothesis of convening the bodies of P.G. and of Justice, for problems arising as a result of the conduct of customers or staff.

·         Legal Counsel at the Innova Group (2006), a Group consisting of three legal entities with independent legal personalities and operating in the appropriate capacity in the sector of the provision of services and criminal misconducts in favor of Public Administrations following tender participating

·         Legal Counsel at the Sisters of Charity Institute (2017 ongoing), religious institute under San Vincenzo dè Paoli, Religious Congregation, providing legal assistance in real estate protection, investment structures, SPVs on real estate assets and investments (schools, educational institutions, accommodation facilities, houses of prayer, rest homes, etc. both in Italy and abroad.

·         Legal Counsel and Attorney at Law for Galen Group Llc a company based in Moscow active at a multinational level and operating in various product sectors, including the pharmaceutical and medical sectors. The Group also controls several companies operating in the energy sector and in metal and plastic raw materials, as well as in the mediation in the trade and procurement of coal (and derivatives) as well as copper.

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