White Paper on Artificial Intelligence

30 june 2020

On June 29, 2020, EDPS issued its Opinion on the EuropeanCommission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence

– A European approach to excellence and trust.

The aim of the White Paper is twofold: setting out policy options to promote the uptake of Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) and to address ‘the risks associated with certain uses of this new technology’. To achieve such goals, the White Paper proposes a set of actions to foster the development and the adoption of AI and a new regulatory framework that would address concerns specific to AI that the current framework may not address.

This Opinion presents the EDPS views on the White Paper as a whole, as well as on certain specific aspects, such as the proposed risk-based approach, the enforcement of AI regulation or the specific requirements for the remote biometric identification (including facial recognition).

The EDPS acknowledges AI’s growing importance and impact. However, AI comes with its own risks and is not a ‘silver bullet’ that will solve all problems. Benefits, costs and risks should be considered by anyone adopting a technology, especially by public administrations who process great amounts of personal data.

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