Diagnose your SME’s Cybersecurity and Scan for Recommendations

17 maggio 2023

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) releases a tool to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) assess the level of their cybersecurity maturity.

The tool includes the following features: 

  • Cybersecurity evaluation: Based on several questions, this online tool assesses whether your organisation is at a foundation, advanced or expert maturity level adapted to the size of your business, available budget, sector of activity, generic asset identification, etc. in order to compare it with other similar businesses; 
  • Top cybersecurity and a personalised action plan: the tool also provides an action plan to help organisations benefit from tailor made follow-up actions and increase their cybersecurity level based on recommendations adapted to current best cybersecurity practices.

Configured around 3 key areas, the tool allows for the assessment of:

  • People: to assess whether staff or employees are prepared to face cyber threats;
  • Technology: to understand the technology used and how to select and implement best cybersecurity practices;
  • Processes: to ensure the organisation has the right processes in place to deal with cybersecurity risks.

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