Artificial Intelligence (AI)

30 giugno 2020

On June 10, 2020, Enisa set up an Ad-Hoc Working Group on AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer in the realm of science fiction and futuristic scenarios. It is already changing everyday life, improving the provision of services by automating procedures and systems, and rapidly processing large amounts of data. AI has the potential to lead the digital transformation paradigm shift, and, in many ways, is already doing so.

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence may only be attained if AI itself can be trustworthy and cybersecure. We are already witnessing attacks against AI systems that aim to negatively manipulate their behaviour and lead to unintentional operations by adversaries. The European Commission has highlighted the importance of AI in society and the economy; and, most recently, in its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, the Commission has underlined the need for AI to be secure. This white paper is the frontrunner to forthcoming policy initiatives in the area that will shape the future of AI deployment and its wide adoption by the public.

The main objectives of the group include:

  • Advise ENISA in matters related to AI cybersecurity.
  • Assist ENISA in the development of an AI Threat Landscape.
  • Support ENISA in providing risk-proportionate cybersecurity guidelines for AI.

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