Alessandra Lanciotti, Of Counselhas been Professor of International Law and EU Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Perugia since 2001 as well as a regular Lecturer at the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions “L. Migliorini“, within the same University.

Expert in matters of private international law (and procedures thereof) and humanitarian law, she’s capable of assisting in the field of public and private international law, international contracts, international criminal law, legislation and export of historic and cultural objects.

Alessandra is a speaker at conferences and seminars in several Universities and Institutions, both in Italy and abroad. Currently, she is a member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate in International Law and the European Union at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. From 1998 to 2004, she has been a member of the United Nations Preparatory Commission of the International Criminal Court and of the Assembly of States Parties at the UN headquarters in New York  and  Legal Advisor to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

She has been the author of several scientific publications.

Alessandra is Of Counsel at Cugia Cuomo & Associati since 2010.


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