Pietro Cuomo, founding partner of Cugia Cuomo & Associati, has valued experience in mergers and acquisitions, corporate and commercial, real estate, banking and finance, international and European law. 

Pietro regularly represents private equity funds and corporations.

As an M&A expert, he developed his professional practice as a Partner in major law firms worldwide since 2000, particularly as a consultant to multinational companies and investment funds within the context of M&A/private equity and acquisition finance transactions. Pietro also advises on the internationalizations of private enterprises and strategic development of foreign markets, as well as on the reorganization and implementation of strategic corporate governance patterns. 

Pietro is Contract Lecturer in International Law at the State University of Perugia and at the University for Foreign Students of Perugia, focusing essentially in State Responsibility, International environmental law and on the law of Foreign Investments.

He is well versed on the subject of primary and secondary legislation alignment, particularly in reference to accessing European Union Member States in PHARE and TACIS EU alignment programs.  Since 2016, Pietro has taken part in the USAID’s Financial Access for Investing in the Development of Afghanistan (FAIDA) program as Regulatory Team Leader, providing in-country the Afghan government with legal and regulatory advice at a macro level in the advocacy of the new Banking Law and related regulations, in the issuing of new legislative and regulatory Banking & Finance frameworks, in the coordination of major Banking & Finance Afghan regulatory bodies, in the development of PPP/Project Finance methodologies for the benefit of local commercial banks and in the provision of corporate governance guidance as a basis for the development of Afghan commercial banks corresponding relationships. 

Pietro is the author of several publications focusing on corporate and commercial and on International environmental law. He has been repeatedly recommended by European Legal Experts as a leading corporate and commercial lawyer. 


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