Real Estate, Civil and Administrative Law

The Firm has a vast experience in civil and administrative litigation in all Italian jurisdictions.

The Firm also usually assists its clients in the proceedings before the national independent authority, such as the Italian National Communication Authority (Agcom), Antitrust Authority (AGCM), Data Protection Authority (Garante privacy).

Our professionals have always proficiently combined an highly specialized consultancy practice (in all the practice areas of the Firm) with an exhaustive and effective assistance to Clients in court proceedings.

Our services are capable of extensively meeting the requirements of ever growing business enterprises, in commercial development as well as in the inevitable legal arguments arising therefrom.

We do believe that only a continual and passionate research, only a detailed and thoroughgoing theoretical knowledge of law can eventually assure our Clients the high rate of success which is our everyday effort to offer.

 The Litigation Department of CC&A assists Clients, with material success, in several areas of law, for instance:

Firm news



Commission calls on 18 Member States to comply with the EU Data Governance Act

The European Commission decided to open infringement procedures by sending a letter of formal notice to 18 Member States that did not designate the responsible authorities to implement the Data Governance



Council of Europe adopts first international treaty on artificial intelligence

The Council of Europe has adopted the first-ever international legally binding treaty aimed at ensuring the respect of human rights, the rule of law and democracy legal standards in the use of artificial



Modifica al codice deontologico in materia di equo compenso

Il 3 maggio 2024, e’ stato pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale il  seguente Comunicato del CNF:  Il Consiglio nazionale forense, nella seduta  amministrativa  del 23

Lawyer News



Attacco al diritto di difesa: le posizioni di OCF e COA Milano

L’allarme dopo che la Procura della Repubblica



Ecobonus auto: dal 3 giugno incentivi fino a 13.500 euro

In Gazzetta Ufficiale il DPCM 20 maggio