Energy and Environment

Cugia Cuomo & Associati  provides assistance in a wide range of leading-edge domestic and international energy and environmental matters, including envisaged restructuring of the domestic industry.

 CC&A professionals are experienced in representing interests in the environmental assessment process, applications for waste management and disposal, set up of energy conversion production plants, municipal infrastructure and services, water and sewage, mining.

With regard to this field, our professionals have provided legal advice on regulatory aspects concerning the activity in the market of electric-power, including renewable energy sources (RES) and municipal solid waste reconversion.

CC&A also advice its clients on the regulatory framework applicable to control software system of WTGs and and draft Operation and Maintenance (“O&M”) Agreements  related to offshore and on onshore wind plants.

Our Firm acts as a professional interface with the competent Italian Regulation Autority (AEEG) and with the Italian Ministry of Environment.

Furthermore, within the EU, we have particular expertise in advising Clients in the interpretation of environmental requirements in connection with the selling or manufacturing of products in different Member States.

Firm news



Lotta contro le contraffazioni commesse online

Lotta contro i reati e ingerenza nei diritti fondamentali: un'autorita` pubblica nazionale incaricata della lotta contro le contraffazioni commesse online puo` accedere ai dati identificativi



Tabulati telefonici

Secondo la legge italiana, il delitto di furto aggravato fa parte dei reati che giustificano l’acquisizione di tabulati telefonici presso il fornitore di servizi di comunicazione elettronica,



Tlc: il Garante sanziona un dealer per attivazione illecita di sim e abbonamenti

Una società che gestisce due negozi di telefonia dovrà pagare una multa di 150mila euro per aver attivato illecitamente Sim, abbonamenti e addebiti per l’acquisto di cellulari

Lawyer News



Borse di studio per i tirocini svolti negli uffici giudiziari nel 2023

Stanziate risorse per 7.147.931 euro: domande